Menstrual cramps—ugh, right? It’s that monthly reminder that mother nature can be just a little brutal. But while period cramps might feel unavoidable, there are definitely ways to make your period a bit more bearable. Here are some self-care tips that can help ease the pain and turn your cycle into a reason to pamper yourself! But first…
What are Menstrual Cramps?
Menstrual cramps are throbbing cramps that you get in your lower abdomen just before and during your period. Cramps can be mild for some and severe for others.
What causes Menstrual Cramps?
Menstrual cramps are typically caused by contractions in the uterus that, when pressed against nearby blood vessels, can cut oxygen off to the uterus thus causing pain and cramping.
Period cramps can be caused by a variety of factors including conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, and adenomyosis, and more. Please see your doctor or health care provider to rule these conditions out.
Menstrual Cramp Symptoms:
- Pain aches in your lower belly
- Pressure in your belly
- Pain in your hips, lower back and inner thighs
Now let’s get into some self-care tips that can help you ease your menstrual cramps. And as we like to say at GoPatch, we want you to have Your Best Period. Period.
Tip #1: Heat Therapy
Heat is a quick and comforting home remedy for cramps. Grab a warm compress, hot water bottle, or even take a warm bath to relax your muscles and reduce period pain. Resting heat on your abdomen for 15–20 minutes at a time can work wonders, especially when paired with a good book, meditation practice, or your favorite show!
Tip #2: Move a Little!
Gentle exercise might sound like a tall order during your period, but even a bit of stretching or yoga can help release endorphins and increase blood flow to ease cramps. Try simple moves like the Cobbler’s Pose or the Seated Forward Bend, to help open up your pelvic region and stretch your lower back respectively.
*See 6 Yoga Poses for Your Period by VeryWellHealth for instructions & images of yoga poses.
Tip #3: Sip on Some Soothing Tea
Warm up from the inside with a cup of calming tea! Chamomile, ginger, and red raspberry leaf teas are known to help reduce bloating and pain. Make tea time an opportunity to relax and let the herbs work their magic on your cramps.
*See The 8 Best Teas for Menstrual Cramps by Healthline to read more about what teas to drink when on your period.
Tip #4: Stay Hydrated!
On the topic of sipping.. staying hydrated can help reduce bloating and keep cramps from feeling worse. Drinking plenty of water or even coconut water for extra electrolytes can make a difference in how you feel. Add a slice of lemon or cucumber for a refreshing twist!
Tip #5: Switch to Comfy Clothes!
Sometimes, tight or restrictive clothing can make cramps feel worse. Opt for loose, cozy clothes that allow you to move freely and feel relaxed. Think of it as a gentle hug for your body when you need it most.
Tip #6: DIY Acupressure
Acupressure is a gentle technique that can target areas of pain, like cramps.There are multiple acupressure points you can try to relive your menstrual cramps. A popular pressure point, called the LI- 4 or He Gu, is located directly between your thumb and index finger. Massage that point firmly for a few minutes.
Bonus Tip: GoPatch Menstrual Cramp Relief
GoPatch Menstrual Cramp Relief Patch is an all natural, side-effect free solution using active homeopathic ingredients to soothe cramps brought about by your menstrual cycle. Simply place our discreet, round patch over the navel, and your body’s natural healing response will begin to lessen symptoms.
Lightweight, discreet and easy to use – GoPatch is for you!
Your Best Period. Period.
Even though menstrual cramps aren’t anyone’s favorite, they can be a reminder to slow down, rest, and treat yourself a little more gently. Find what works best for you, make it a cozy monthly ritual, and know that a little extra self-care can make all the difference.
9 Best Heating Pads for Cramps and Menstrual Pain Relief | Healthline
6 Yoga Poses for Your Period | VeryWellHealth
The 8 Best Teas for Menstrual Cramps | Healthline
Coconut Water Benefits | WebMD
4 Pressure Points for Period Cramps (Acupressure) | Acupressure Guide