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Frequently Asked Questions

  • GoPatch patches are a proprietary blend of active homeopathic ingredients. They are free of side-effects and have no known contra-indications.
  • GoPatch patches are NOT herbal. While we love herbal products, herbs can interact with medications you are using. With GoPatch, rest easy, there is no need to worry about drug interactions when using our patches.
  • Drowsiness will NOT occur when you apply our patches, unlike many over-the-counter remedies for motion sickness. You will not feel groggy or disoriented.
  • There are no harmful effects on the liver when you use our patches, which is a serious concern with other OTC pain medications and medications in general.
  • There is no risk of overdose with our patches.
  • There is no risk of withdrawal symptoms when you stop using our patches.
  • GoPatch patches are worn over the navel and hidden from view. No one will know you struggle with anxiousness, motion sickness or are being rocked by painful menstrual period cramps.

It varies from individual to individual and by patch:

AnxiousRelief Patch

When managing anxiousness, you can apply our AnxiousRelief patch at the first signs of anxiousness, for example: sweating, upset tummy, breathing fast, feeling jittery, etc. If you know that you will be having a day / experience that might create anxiousness, apply before the potential trigger, and go about your day feeling a sense of peace and ease. Many of our users have reported they take prescription medication for their anxiety, which can make them feel drowsy or drugged. When they use GoPatch, at times, they find incredible, fast relief for their anxiousness, without any unwanted side-effects. Please consult your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medications.

HangoverRelief Patch

When using our HangoverRelief patches, it is best to put a patch on BEFORE going to bed, after having consumed alcohol. You will wake with a smile! If you forget to apply GoPatch before going to bed, you can apply when you wake up. The effect might not be as immediate in reducing nausea, headache, or dizziness. In this instance it may take 30 minutes to resolve discomfort.

Pets – Motion Sickness + Tummy Relief Patch

This patch will usually deliver immediate results for your pet. If you are taking your favorite 4-legger, cat or dog, for a trip in the car, apply before you leave to have a puke-free journey. If they experience IBD or are anxious, apply immediately upon noticing signs of distress; our patches will work within a few minutes. Many pets struggle after surgery and lose interest in food. GoPatch can soothe their tummies helping them to restore balance sooner.

TummyRelief Patch

This patch can be used at the first sign of digestive distress and upset. If you are experiencing bloating, gas, or an upset stomach, apply for immediate relief. If you are going through treatment for cancer, it is best to consult with your physician. Many individuals who use GoPatch to combat the nausea associated with their treatment for cancer use the TummyRelief patch daily. If you feel like you’re beginning to experience nausea from overeating or the flu, apply immediately for fast relief. After surgery, individuals often struggle with nausea, especially when prescribed pain medication. In this instance, GoPatch can be applied to provide relief for nausea.

Menstrual Cramps Relief Patch

Most women have reported immediate relief of period cramps when applying GoPatch Menstrual Cramps patches. Other women experience menstrual cramps relief within 15 minutes. We recommend applying the patch ahead of time if you know your period cramps and PMS symptoms are on the way. Additionally, some users report that while they might not receive relief for the first menstrual cycle when they apply GoPatch, they do find relief during use on their second or third

Motion Sickness + Dizziness Relief Patch

  • When ALREADY experiencing the signs of car, air, or sea sickness, individuals report relief within 5-30 minutes of applying GoPatch Motion Sickness+Dizziness patches – remember this is after the motion sickness has started.
  • We recommend applying our patch before engaging in activities (flying, sailing / boating / cruising, amusement park rides, car rides) that may contribute to motion sickness symptoms. However, if you discover you are sensitive to motion, apply as soon as you experience the first signs of motion sickness and natural, safe, and fast-acting relief is on its way.
  • This patch is also the choice for individuals struggling with dizziness or vertigo, often referred to as BPPV. It is best to apply this patch at the immediate onset of any sensation of dizziness. Relief can often be immediate.
  • Our patches have been through skin sensitivity testing and are dermatologist tested. No skin reactions were reported in any of the subjects. We recommend a 12-hour wear time, for skin health, however GoPatch patches can be worn for 24 hours without concern for the skin becoming compromised. Skin sensitivity varies between individuals, please adjust accordingly if you have extremely sensitive skin.
  • If feeling a whole lot better, calm, centered and at ease are considered side-effects
    – YES.
  • Like other low potency (dosage) homeopathic remedies, GoPatch patches have no known contraindications or side effects, unlike other anxiety, nausea, motion sickness, vertigo, or menstrual cramp medication. As with any bandage that is applied to the skin, there is always a possibility of redness after removal, as a very thin layer of skin or hair may be removed. Remove the patch by pulling / rolling it back on itself, not by lifting straight up and pulling off.
  • Yes, other medications can be safely taken while using our homeopathic patches. We never advise that you stop any medication prescribed by your doctor if you wish to use our products, please first consult with your physician if choosing GoPatch to support the care you are receiving from a physician.
  • With GoPatch, rest easy, there is no need to worry about drug interactions when using our patches.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ask your health care professional before taking any medication, including GoPatch homeopathic patches. If your health care professional needs more information on our patches, they can contact us at
  • While we love herbal products, GoPatch patches are not an herbal product. Our patches contain homeopathic remedies, which are applied over an acupuncture point. Homeopathic medicine uses very diluted amounts of mineral, flower, animal, and plant-based substances. The FDA classifies homeopathic medicines as over-the-counter drugs; this is why you see an NDC number on our packages. Herbal products are considered food products; therefore, it is not necessary for herbal products to be manufactured with the same compliance procedures as homeopathic products.
  • The FDA requires homeopathic products to be manufactured in accordance with the FDA finished pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) because it views them as over-the-counter drugs. Our manufacturing facilities are inspected by the FDA for cleanliness, quality, and testing.
  • Yes, GoPatch patches are completely safe for use by young children. Please consult with your health care practitioner for children under 2 years of age.
  • While it is not advised to take oral homeopathic medicines with food (especially strong flavors), this is not a major concern for our patches as they are not consumed orally. To date, we have not found that eating or drinking (tea, coffee, soda) alters the efficacy of GoPatch patches in any way. We do advise that you avoid eating mint, either as tea, gum, or candies, as that is known to decrease the action of homeopathic remedies.
  • Unlike with oral homeopathic medicines, touching GoPatch patches will not reduce the effectiveness of the patch. However, touching could result in removing some of the adhesive or “stickiness” of the patch. When applying our patches, we recommend that you do your best to remove it from the white liner it is on and place directly over your navel; try not to touch it too much. Assure that the patch has made a complete seal and entirely covers your navel. Once applied, try to avoid touching the patch or picking at its edges so that it remains in place.
  • No, we do not recommend using the patches after the expiration date. You can find the expiration date on the back of our packaging.

Yes, we donate a portion of our profits to the AIM Center, a non-profit organization that offers a variety of opportunities for employment, housing, education and wellness to adults living with mental illness. You can read more about the work the AIM Center does here:

  • Established in 1989, the AIM Center is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization operating the only Clubhouse Model Program accredited by Clubhouse International in the state of Tennessee. We define recovery as the successful management of a mental illness. The AIM Center provides education, employment, housing, socialization, and wellness opportunities for adults living with serious mental illness.
  • The AIM Center empowers our members, to rediscover their strengths and abilities, to know they are valuable, and to know that they can contribute to their communities and to society. We take pride in uplifting our members making sure they know they are wanted, needed, and accepted. Working side by side with them every step of the way on their journey to recovery.
  • Mental illness still carries a stigma even though it is very common. Mental Illness has no boundaries or limitations on whom it impacts, it affects all ages, races, sex, and economic statuses. One in five American adults experiences a mental health issue. Mental illness is often invisible yet determines how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making.
  • Donations allow our Clubhouse to offer new and innovative programs for members to reach a level of recovery they never thought possible. Please support the AIM Center with a financial contribution, making a positive impact in the lives of our members. Many of our members have experienced unfair treatment outside of our Clubhouse. Imagine how it feels to be treated with kindness, dignity, and respect just for being you! Well, that is exactly the type of treatment that is received inside the AIM Center! Thank you for supporting our mission, believing in our members, and wanting to see them become the BEST versions of themselves.
  • GoPatch ingredients can be found under the Drug Facts label, both on the physical product itself, as well as the image displayed on each product page on our website.
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